Why AuctionExt

Unlock the Power of Online Auctions with AuctionExt: Your Trusted Auction Software Solution

Powerful Solution
  • Customisable Platform
  • Sync with your Brand
  • Live Streaming
User Friendly
  • Mobile-first Design
  • Interactive Website
  • Easy Bidding
Flexible Auctions
  • Set Increment Table
  • Manage Reserve Price
  • Add Lots Real-time
Advance Features
  • Scalable Listing
  • Pre Bid - Buy it Now
  • Anti Snipe - Soft Close
Proxy Bid
  • Set Max Bid
  • System Auto Bid
  • Strategic Bidding
Bid Management
  • Approval Workflow
  • Real-time Customisation
  • Detailed Bid History
Seller Reputation
  • Feedback and Ratings
  • Increased Bidder Trust
  • Enhanced Security
Advance Tech
  • Better Scalability
  • Post Auction Analytics
  • Meaningful Reports
Social Sharing
  • Listing QR Code
  • Social Media Sharing
  • Increased Participation

Save More with AuctionExt!

Skyrocket Your Online Sales with AuctionExt: Global Bidding for Increased Revenue Potential!


Pay Only for Technology with No Hidden Costs


Get your brand on customised Auction Software

Features Addons

Customise Workflows to Meet Your Requirements

Self-cloud Host

Take Ownership of Your Auction Software Hosting


Client's Testimonials

Our client raves about AuctionExt, describing it as a game-changer in the auction industry. They highlight its user-friendly interface, efficient bidding process, and outstanding customer support.

Simple 4 Step Onboarding

Embark on Your Online Auction Journey with AuctionExt and Elevate Your Business to the Next Level

Initiate Onboarding
Begin the onboarding process by establishing a contract with AuctionExt. Our team will guide you through the necessary paperwork and assist in creating your account.
Auction House Setup
Once your account is set up, proceed to customize and set up your auction house. This includes defining your auction parameters, such as bidding options, auction duration, and starting bids.
Listing of Auction
With your auction house ready, it's time to start listing your auction lots. Provide detailed descriptions, high-quality images, and any relevant videos to showcase your items effectively.
Launch Your Auction
After listing, it's time to launch your auction. Ensure that all settings and parameters are reviewed and finalised before initiating the auction, and then make it live for bidders to participate.

Story Of Our Journey

The journey of creating AuctionExt has been an exhilarating ride. It all started with a vision to transform the way online auctions are conducted.

AuctionExt - Open for World

After years of relentless dedication and hard work, the day finally arrived to introduce AuctionExt to the world. The launch was the culmination of our collective efforts, combining cutting-edge technology with a user-friendly interface. We celebrated the achievement, but our commitment to excellence did not end there. We remained vigilant in monitoring the platform's performance and providing timely updates to ensure our users had the best experience possible.

Seeking Something big

Continuous improvement and user feedback played a pivotal role in shaping AuctionExt's evolution. We closely monitored user experiences, solicited feedback, and diligently incorporated suggestions for enhancements. This iterative process allowed us to fine-tune features, optimize performance, and address any unforeseen challenges that arose during the development cycle.

Designing a Software Revolution

The development phase was marked by countless hours of coding, testing, and iterating. Our team of talented developers worked tirelessly to translate the vision into a robust and feature-rich online auction software. We prioritized scalability, security, and efficiency, ensuring that every line of code adhered to the highest industry standards.

Heart and Soul

Building a capable and dedicated team was crucial to bring our vision to life. We meticulously handpicked professionals from various domains, including software development, design, marketing, and project management. Our team members shared a common passion for technology and a commitment to excellence, forming the backbone of AuctionExt's development journey.

First Step

It all began with a spark of inspiration and a vision to revolutionize the online auction industry. The ideation phase involved extensive research, market analysis, and brainstorming sessions to identify the pain points and opportunities within the auction ecosystem. We envisioned creating a comprehensive platform that would address these challenges and deliver a seamless user experience.


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